We hereby inform you that out of the 597 potential vaccination participants we invited until 15.00 WIT, only 511 were confirmed and 83 people appointed could not attend, while the 500 doses of vaccine must be used up.
In this regard, those who are listed in attachment 1 of this letter shall confirm, we limit it to 17.00 WIT on Monday, April 5, 2021, and if there is no confirmation, then we consider it a no-show.
For you who listed in attachment list 2 of this letter as a backup for vaccination as follows:
Day, date: Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Time: 12.00 s.d. 12.30 WIT
Location: Campus IV, 4th Floor of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Jalan Ahmad Yani Banguntapan Bantul
A list of those who have not confirmed the attendance for COVID-19 Vaccination and a list of reserves can be found here.
Thank you for your kind attention.